The XL96,9 Big Breakfast wants you to win a pair of V.I.P. Tickets to the "Budweiser Country Rocks The Hill Extravaganza". Join Terry at Moncton City Hall. Main St., Wednesday Morning Aug. 2nd, between 7:30 & 8:00 for the "Down At City Hall...and Up To No Good" Contest. All you have to do is come up with the most creative sign design that you would bring to the Mega-Concert. The only pre-requisite is that your sign is in good taste and that "XL96.9" be as visible as possible. Keep in mind you would be displaying this sign on concert day. The sign can be as BIG and colorful as you want. The person who has the most "AMAZING" sign will automatically win a cd collection that includes: Alan Jackson -- Precious Moments
Brooks and Dunn -- Hillbilly Deluxe
Sugarland -- Twice The Speed of Light
and George Canyon -- Somebody Wrote Love
**PLUS** -- Qualify for 2 V.I.P. Cocert Tickets to Budweiser's - Country Rocks The Hill.
You and a friend could be enjoying the show from some of the best seats in the
house; on The Buweiser BIG RIG. You will have a 1 in 3 chance to win in
Thursday morning's (Aug. 3rd) BIG Draw on the BIG Breakfast.
Prepare to be as loud and creative as possible, and we'll see you on Wednesday Morning Aug. 2nd at Moncton City Hall.